Mircea Malitza (Maliţa)

Feb 20, 1927 Oradea - 21 May,2018 Bucharest, România

diplomacy teaching about books IMAGES: Books IMAGES: Work related IMAGES: Family


Youtube Movie(Romanian)


  • Ambassador of Romania to the United States (1982-1984)
  • Ambassador to Switzerland and UN Geneva (1980-1982)
  • Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs (1962-1970)
  • Counsellor, Mission of Romania to the UN, New York (1956-1961)
  • teaching

  • Ministru Invaţămāntului (Secretary of State for Education) (1970-1972)
  • Visiting Professor of International Relations, Faculty of International Business and Economics (2009-2015)
  • Visiting Professor of International Relations, The University of Oradea, (1998-2000)
  • Professor, University of Bucharest, Department of Mathematics (1971-1989)
  • about

  • Wikipedia Romanian
  • Mircea Maliţa - Biobibliografie (Biobibliography), Ed. Comunicare.ro 2012
  • Youtube (in Romanian)

    interviews & talks

  • Interviu 2013 published in Historia.ro
    Youtube (in Romanian):


  • Cold War Diplomacy: A Romanian diplomat's memoirs 2014 Introduction by Dan Dimancescu
  • Secolul meu scurt (My Short Century), Ed. Rao, 2015


  • Orio Giarini, Mircea Malitza: The Double Helix of Learning and Work Cadmus, 2015
  • Mircea Malitza, Călin Georgescu (Ed): România dupa Criză (Romania after the Crisis) Editura Compania, 2010
  • James Botkin, Mahdi Elmandjra, Mircea Malitza: No limits to Learning. Report to the Club of Rome, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1979
  • Collaborator of CEPES-UNESCO, Bucharest (co-editor of the book "New informational technologies in higher education", 1989)


  • Incotro (Where are we heading), Ed. ISPRI
  • Apa, Focul si Jocul (Water, Fire and The Game), Ed. ISPRI
  • Si totuşi se īnvārte (E pur si muove), Ed. Scripta
  • Homo fraudens Ed. Rao
  • Să-mi cānţi cobzar batrān ceva (Play me something, old kobsa-player) Ed. ISPRI 2016
  • XXI Totul pe scurt ( XXI Briefly Everything) Ed. ISPRI 2015
  • Zece mii de culturi, o singură civilizaţie (Ten Thousand Cultures, One Single Civilization), Ed. Nemira
  • Mintea cea socotitoare (The Calculating Mind), Ed. Academiei Romane, 2009
  • Minţi Senine, minţi involburate (Serene minds, troubled minds), Ed. Scripta, 2009
  • Tablouri din războiul rece (Scenes from the Cold War), Ed. C-H-Beck, 2007
  • Jocuri pe scena lumii (Games on the World Stage) Ed. C-H-Beck, 2007
  • Zidul şi iedera (The Wall and the Ivy), Ed. Cartea Romāneasca, 1977, Ed. Tehnica, 2006
  • Idei īn mers (Ideas on the Run) Vol.I-II., 1975, 1982
  • Fire şi noduri (Knots and Threads), Ed. Eminescu, 1975
  • Pietre vii (Living Stones), 1973
  • Aurul Cenuşiu (Grey Gold), 3 vols.,Ed. Dacia Cluj, 1971-1973
  • Cronica anului 2000 (Chronicle of the Year 2000,) 1969
  • Sfinxul (The Sphinx), 1969
  • Repere (Landmarks), 1967

    books related to diplomacy

  • Istoria prin ochii diplomatului (History through a diplomatic view) with Dan Dungaciu, Ed. Rao 2014
  • Mare şi Mic (Big and Small), Ed. C-H-Beck, 2016
  • Strategii de supravieţuire in istoria poporului romān (Surviving Strategies in Romanian History) Ed. Compania, 2012
  • Cuminţenia Pămāntului (The Wisdom of the Earth) Ed. Corint, Bucharest, 2010, 2012
  • Ziduri de pace, turnuri de infrăţie (Walls of Peace, Towers of Brotherhood) with Dinu C. Giurescu, Ed. Compania, 2011
  • Intre Război şi Pace (Between War and Peace) Ed. C-H-Beck, 2007
  • Teoria şi practica negocierilor (Theory and Practice of Negotiations), Ed. Politică, 1972
  • Diplomaţie. Scoli şi Instituţii (Diplomacy. Schools and Institutions), 1970
  • Carta ONU, document al erei noastre (The UN Charter, Document of Our Times) with A. Bolintineanu, 1970
  • Diplomaţia romănă. Un punct de vedere istoric (Romanian Diplomacy. An Historical Survey), Ed. Meridiane, 1970
  • Pagini din trecutul diplomaţiei (Pages from the History of Diplomacy) with Virgil Cāndea, Dinu C. Giurescu, 1966
  • math books

  • Bazele Inteligenţei Artificiale: Calcului cu Propoziţii, vol. 1, (Foundations of Artificial Intelligence: Propositional Logics), with Mihaela Malita, 1987
  • ♦ Uncertainty and Decision, 1982
  • Coalition and Connection in Games with Silviu Guiaşu, Pergamon Press, 1980
  • ♦ Mathematical Approaches to International Relations, 3 Vols., 1977-1978
  • Triade (Triads), 1973
  • Programare neliniară (Nonlinear Programming), 1973
  • Mathematical Models of Educational Systems, 1973
  • Mathematics of Organizations, 1971
  • Programarea Pătratică (Quadratic Programming) with Mihai Dragomirescu, 1968